
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 11: Romans–Galatians (Revised Edition) is unavailable, but you can change that!

Scholarly and accessible, Romans–Galatians is a comprehensive and succinct commentary that guides users to the text’s core meaning. With enhanced ease-of-use features, specialized discussion of key words and concepts, and each commentator’s point-of-view on the text’s implications for life, it is a vital resource for every preacher, teacher, and student of the Bible.

14a Paul begins with a concise summary of his message in this brief digression (6:14–7:1) that repeats the main point of 1 Corinthians 10:1–22, where he warned the Corinthians of the danger of idolatry (cf. 1 Co 10:14, “flee from idolatry”):“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers” (v. 14a). Clearly this is not an injunction against all association with unbelievers (cf. 1 Co 5:9–10; 10:27). Paul actually encouraged the Christian partner in a mixed marriage to maintain the relationship
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